Brandy Snap Recipe

Brandy Snaps... A popular British dessert made with crispy golden, lacy tubes filled with subtlety sweet whipped cream. So lovely and so good! Similar to an Italian cannoli, brandy snaps offer the perfect balance of both crunch and softness. There is nothing not to love about these light, crispy cookies, every bite is simply delicious! 



In the UK these little guys are typically made with golden syrup, but here in the US that ingredient is a bit tricky to find. When I set out to make these I had this in mind, so I played around with different ratios of liquid sweeteners. I settled on half maple syrup and half honey. This ratio provides the perfect texture, slightly thicker maple syrup, but still thin enough to remain the right consistency. 





The Details...

Start by combining all ingredients except flour and ginger in medium sized saucepan on low heat. It's important to on low heat, as anything higher might crystallize the mixture. Stir until all ingredients are combined, making sure all sugar is fully dissolved. 



I like to whip my own heavy cream for the center; this way I can control how sweet it is. Because the brandy snap itself is already sweet, the filling is best with only a little sugar.





You can really make these as small or large as you want. Using a teaspoon sized amount of batter will give you about 3-4 inch tube. Two teaspoons will double this size, so about 7 inches. Just be aware that if you make them larger you will need to space them out more on the baking tray.



One last note.. if you plan to store the snaps after baking, *do not fill them!*. Trust me, this is from personal experience. I had a complete lapse of mental clarity after making my first batch of these, and in excitement filled them all. After serving, I had some left over so I stored them in a container overnight. The next day they were quite soggy and falling apart :( Without whipped cream in the center though, these cookies store excellently in an airtight container for about a week.



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